luni, 13 ianuarie 2020

European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues - Activity C4

Strategic Partnership KA229 “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”

Title of the project: “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”
Activity “TAKE A BREATH!”
Host school: Szkoꝉa Podstawowa nr. 10, im. J. Korczaka w Tarnobrzegu, Tarnobrzeg, Poland
Duration: 16th  - 20th September  2019

Monday – 16th of September
The students and the teachers form the partner schools met the Polish Erasmus team, both teachers and students. They were welcome by the organizers and by the headmaster of the school. Then, the Polish host students were guides for the students from Spain, Italy, Romania and Macedonia and presented them the school.
 The guests were also invited to “discover” the town of Tarnobrzeg: the Town Hall, the main square, the park and the museum of Natural Science.
In the afternoon, the students spent time with their friends from the partner schools. We think that they have enjoyed the first day in Poland J.

Tuesday – 17th of September 2019
      On the second day, the students took part in some activities about air pollution. In the morning, they attended an interactive lesson about clouds and they were challenged to identify them in the open air. They also had to do some experiments at home in order to see the quality of the air in the areas they lived and the level of air pollution. The results of these experiments were going to be presented on Friday.
The second activity was a very interesting one. The organisers invited a bee keeper and he told them a lot of things about bees: their way of living, their behaviour, the way they produce honey and how they are affected by air pollution. This was the “sweetest”  activity, because  both students and teachers had the opportunity to taste the honey produced by this bee keeper.

Wednesday – 18th of September 2019
Any project meeting represents both activities on the topic of the project, but also learning about the culture of the host country. On the third day we were invited on a trip to Krakow, the town of the Polish kings. This was another interesting experience for both students and teachers, as we have found out a lot about the history of Poland, about the rulers, the wars, the monuments and the culture of this country. We visited the Wawel Cathedral, where all the kings and queens and other rulers are buried, the old town, Jagiellonian University, the oldest one in Poland. We found out about the legend of the Krakow Dragon, the guardian of the Wawel Hill and  we also saw it “in action”.

Thursday- 19th of September 2019
          The fourth day of our mobility was dedicated to artistic activities.   Each group had to perform a traditional dance and teach the other students and teachers how to dance it.  It was great fun trying to dance “Macarena” or “sârbă”. But the best was yet to come. The Polish team challenged the participants to learn two Polish dances: “Polonez” and “Danse Belge” (Belgian Dance).  They continued the artistic activities with painting and origami workshops. Both students and teachers enjoyed the activities and they decided to perform the Belgian Dance at the closing ceremony.

Friday – 20th of September
The last day came, but it was full of surprises, just like the other days.
In the morning, the teachers and the children took a short trip to Machowski Lake, where they did the activity „Life captured in a drop of water”. They were divided into groups and they had to make some experiments and determine the quality of the water and the level of  pollution. After that,  we were invited to a picnic and we tasted the famous Polish sausages and we played on the beach. We returned to school and the students presented the results of their experiments regarding the level of air pollution. They draw conclusions together with the teachers and they also suggested measures to take in order to reduce air pollution in their communities.
Then, the award ceremony came and the end of all the activities that took part in Szkoꝉa Podstawowa nr. 10, im. J. Korczaka w Tarnobrzegu, Tarnobrzeg. After the ceremony of granting the certificates of participations, everybody (students, teachers and parents) were invited to taste the traditional Polish food prepared by our guests.
We all agreed that this week had been a challenge and also an experience, for both students and teachers, we all collaborated during the activities, we were challenged to discover new things and, most of all, we all made new friends. It was a great experience for all of us, students, teachers and parents.
We’re looking forward to the next meeting, in November, in Macedonia. Until then, enjoy the moments!
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