marți, 26 martie 2019

Second meeting - 21st - 25th of January 2019

Strategic Partnership KA229 “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”
First project meeting
Title of the project: “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”
Duration: 21st – 25th of January 2019

Monday – 21st of January 2019
The students and the teachers form the partner schools met the Spanish Erasmus team, both teachers and students. The first activity took place in the Music Room and the students representing the five partners introduced themselves and presented their short movies about their schools and colleagues involved in this Erasmus + project. Next, the coordinator presented the official website of the project and also the winning logo.
After a short break, both students and teachers from partner schools were challenged to take part in a “Clue game” activities. Guided by the Spanish students, the four teams had to go to different parts of the school and solve the clues in order to escape and return to the Music Room. This activity has been very challenging for both students and teachers and a really nice way of getting to know the students and spending time together.
Once back in the Music Room, the Spanish teachers made a short presentation of what sounds mean and the difference between sound and noise. Then, the students have been challenged again to represent sounds in different ways: painting them, coloring them, “making” them using different recyclable materials.
All these activities made the students collaborate and cooperate both with their teams and also with the other partner students.

Tuesday – 22nd of January 2019
In the morning, all the students, together with the teachers, went to Labyrinth park, near the school, where they attended a short presentation about the history of the park and they “experienced” being lost and finding the way out of the labyrinth. One of the main goals of these activities was to measure the quality of the water from the fountains of the park. Our guide explained to them what information to search for: colour, smell, composition, micro-organisms, fish and they had to fill in some forms with the data collected. They worked in teams and, at the end of the experiments, they presented the results to the other teams. This was an enjoyable activity  for both  students and teachers, combining the experiments with a bit of history, mythology and adventure.
During the next activity, the students returned to the science lab and they discussed about sounds and they also made some experiments.

Wednesday – 23rd of January 2019
The third day of the mobility was dedicated to sound pollution. They took part in a presentation about sounds and sound pollution. This presentation was interactive and they were challenged to do tasks during it. At the end, they worked in teams and got some instruments to measure the level of sound pollution in different parts of the school (classrooms, laboratories, library, music room). At the end of the activity, they had to present the results of their measurements and to make a map of   sound pollution at  Institut ANNA GIRONELLA DE MUNDET.

Thursday- 24th of January 2019
This day was dedicated to discovering Barcelona and its history. Accompanied by the Spanish students and teachers,  we visited the old part of the town, the Gothic Cathedral, the remains of Roman town and the port.  We  went on a trip through the oldest part of Barcelona to the newest part of it.  At the end of the activity, we all visited Cosmo Caixa museum, one of the most interesting museums of Barcelona.

Friday – 25th of January 2019
The last day was also interesting. In the morning, we all went to the beach, to the maritime research centre where the students  found out about the pollution of the sea and were challenged to check the quality  of the seawater. It was a nice and sunny day and, after the experiments, we  enjoyed playing on the beach and “testing” the temperature of the Mediterranean. Back to school, we took part in the closing ceremony. We all agreed that this week  had been a challenge and also an experience, for both students and teachers, we all collaborated during the activities, we were challenged to discover new things and, most of all, we all made new friends.
We’re looking forward to the next meeting, in April, in Romania. Until then, enjoy the moments!

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