Partnership KA229 “European Scholar Congress on
Environmental Issues”
Second project meeting
Title of the project: “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”
school: ŞCOALA
1st – 5th of April 2019
Monday – 1st of April 2019
The students and the teachers form
the partner schools met the Romanian Erasmus team, both teachers and students.
They were welcome by two of our students, Sabrina Aniculăsei and Ştefan Vamanu,
with “pâine şi sare” (bread and salt), a local custom of welcoming the guests.
Then, the Romanian host students were guides for the students from Spain,
Italy, Poland and Macedonia and presented the school to them. The opening
ceremony took place in the Physics Laboratory, starting with an ice-breaking
game. The students from all the partner countries had to write on the board
words beginning with the acronym ESCEI (“European
Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”).
After that, Mrs. Roxana Pătrăuceanu,
the headmistress of the school, introduced the program of the mobility and the
activities of the day. Guided by specialists, the students found out about
light pollution, the sources and the effects on both human beings and the
environment. Throughout an interactive presentation, delivered by Miss Naiana
Ciuştea, the students had to think of light pollution, to give examples and to
find solutions to limit this type of pollution. After that, guided by a
specialist and using lux meters and phone applications, they were divided into
teams and measured the light pollution in different places inside the school. At the end of this activity, they had to
present the places mostly affected by light pollution and to find together
solutions to limit it.
In the afternoon, the students spent
time with their colleagues from the partner schools. We think that they have
enjoyed the first day at our school and in our town J.
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