vineri, 19 aprilie 2019

Friday, 5th of April 2019

Strategic Partnership KA229 “European Scholar Congress on 

Environmental Issues”

Second project meeting

Title of the project: “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”


Duration:  1st – 5th of April 2019

Friday – 5th of April 2019

The last day came, but it was full of surprises, just like the other days.
In the morning, the teachers and the children planted a tree in the school garden, the tree of our project. Then, we met the mayor of the town and we discussed about light pollution in our town  and about the measures taken by the local administration. This meeting was a nice experience for everybody. Teachers and students met Mr. Lucian – Ovidiu Micu in “Sala Unirii”, the place where the mayor  and the councillors  take decisions regarding our town and its citizens. Together, we discussed about the protection of the environment, about pollution at the level of our town and the measures taken to limit light pollution in Roman.
          After that, we returned to school and took part in the final activity, the award ceremony. It opened with a puppet show presented by the students  from the 7th form (7 C), coordinated by Mrs. Anca Huţan. The show included two short plays, “Human Stupidity” and “The Emerald Empire” and  some songs sang by Miruna Samson, Alexia Blanariu and Sabrina Aniculăesei, coordinated by Mr. Adrian Imbrea. During the show, the foreign students and teachers had the opportunity to sing the Romanian traditional song learnt on Tuesday and to practise Romanian traditional dances. After the ceremony of granting the certificates of participation, everybody (students, teachers and parents) were invited to taste the traditional Romanian food and also the traditional food from Spain, Italy, Poland and Macedonia. Mrs. Roxana Pătrăuceanu challenged  the coordinators of the project and the colleagues from school to make a presentation of traditional food  during an “European Lunch”. So, our partners, students and teachers, had the opportunity to taste sarmale, mămăligă cu brânză, tochitură moldovenească, mititei, plăcinte poale-n brâu, cozonac and many other goodies.
We all agreed that this week  had been a challenge and also an experience, for both students and teachers, we all collaborated during the activities, we were challenged to discover new things and, most of all, we all made new friends.
We’re looking forward to the next meeting, in September, in Poland. Until then, enjoy the moments!

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