vineri, 19 aprilie 2019

Thurdsday, 4th of April 2019

Strategic Partnership KA229 “European Scholar Congress on 

Environmental Issues”

Second project meeting

Title of the project: “European Scholar Congress on Environmental Issues”


Duration:  1st – 5th of April 2019

Thursday- 4th of April 2019

          The fourth day of our mobility was dedicated to activities regarding water pollution. We visited the Water Treatment Plant of the town. We found out about  the drinking water  and the wastewater. We visited the laboratory where the water coming from the ground is turned into safe water to drink. There, we were shown different substances and the students could make experiments to check the quality of the tap water, the PH, the quantity of the iron and calciu. Then, we visited the wastewater laboratory and were explained how the dirty water coming from the drains is turned into clean water. After that, we were shown the Water Treatment Plant.

After this morning activity, we returned to school. Actually, to the kindergarten which is also part of our school, where the little “Fireflies” form the 1st form waited for us with a short show: they sang the “Fire fly” song and  they  encouraged the foreign students to sing along. After that, the teachers and the students met Mrs Mihaela Darie, who taught them how to make traditional masks, from all sorts of materials: wool, hats, fabric.
The challenge was accepted and the pictures show very well that both students and teachers had enjoyed being creative and making masks.

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